Jivan, Nepal
Meet Jivan. After joining a producer group, Jivan received vegetable production training and market literacy training and agricultural input support such as poly tunnel, fertiliser tank, water pitcher, vegetable seeds, to kick-start her own vegetable production.
Following this, Jivan utilised her knowledge from the training and put organic fertiliser on her previously unproductive land. She then started growing cabbage, cauliflowers and chillies.
The first season following the trainings and other support, the group collectively sold 20 quintals of vegetables. Jivan, alone earned a profit of Nrs.17,000 (equivalent to USD 170).
“This is a huge encouragement for me and I am pushed to grow even more in the coming days. I spent a part of the profit to fulfil the household expenses and invested the rest in the savings group. I am hoping to make more profit in the future and the one thing I really want to do is educate my daughters well and if it allows, buy my younger daughter, Nimisha (11) a bicycle with my savings,” she shares.
For the second objective, the group received training and technical support to understand the dynamics of a saving group and how to manage one.
Following that, the savings group meeting is conducted every once a month, where each member invests a minimum of 5 shares, each share worth Nrs.10 (equivalent to USD 10 cents) and another Nrs.5 (equivalent to USD 5 cents) as social fund.
Not only has the group been able to cultivate towards a saving habit but also have contingency money in case of an emergency. So with farming techniques learnt from WV producers group, she could have a better crop production, have a profit and provide for her family.