Coffee Chronicles

Be inspired while you're sipping your next cup of coffee


Brew Method: French Press

Brew Method: French Press

The French Press is a great way to taste the full spectrum of what a coffee has to offer. Using a fine metal mesh as a filter, you get to...

Brew Method: French Press

The French Press is a great way to taste the full spectrum of what a coffee has to offer. Using a fine metal mesh as a filter, you get to...

Origin: Peru

Origin: Peru

Indigenous farmers are responsible for most of Peru’s coffee production.    Founded in 2004 with 110 partners, the Aprocanorsi Cooperative produces shade-grown coffee and has the aim to improve the life of its...

Origin: Peru

Indigenous farmers are responsible for most of Peru’s coffee production.    Founded in 2004 with 110 partners, the Aprocanorsi Cooperative produces shade-grown coffee and has the aim to improve the life of its...

Origin: Ethiopia

Origin: Ethiopia

Known as the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia is renowned throughout the world for its rich variety of coffees and cup profiles.   Founded in 2001, the Sidama Coffee Farmers' Cooperative Union (SCFU) represents...

Origin: Ethiopia

Known as the birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia is renowned throughout the world for its rich variety of coffees and cup profiles.   Founded in 2001, the Sidama Coffee Farmers' Cooperative Union (SCFU) represents...

Origin: Colombia

Origin: Colombia

Regions throughout Colombia are very diverse and produce a variety of high-quality coffees.    Founded in 1980 and certified Fairtrade from 1995, the Central Cooperativa Indigena del Cauca (CENCOIC) is a cooperative union consisting...

Origin: Colombia

Regions throughout Colombia are very diverse and produce a variety of high-quality coffees.    Founded in 1980 and certified Fairtrade from 1995, the Central Cooperativa Indigena del Cauca (CENCOIC) is a cooperative union consisting...

coffee taster's flavour wheel flavor aroma fairtrade change world vision

Specialty Coffee FAQs

Specialty coffee is the highest quality of coffee out there, and is exactly what we stock right here at Change Coffee! If you’ve ever wondered what gives specialty coffee its...

Specialty Coffee FAQs

Specialty coffee is the highest quality of coffee out there, and is exactly what we stock right here at Change Coffee! If you’ve ever wondered what gives specialty coffee its...

Brew Method: Moka Pot

Brew Method: Moka Pot

Dating back to the early 1900’s, the Moka Pot is a brewer often remembered as something that you or your parents own, but nobody remembers buying. They’ve just always been...

Brew Method: Moka Pot

Dating back to the early 1900’s, the Moka Pot is a brewer often remembered as something that you or your parents own, but nobody remembers buying. They’ve just always been...